I highly recommend Firefox to everyone who browses the web. Yes, that includes you. One of the selling points (if you can say that about something which you can download for free) is that it does not suffer from the security vulnerabilities of Internet Explorer. Another selling point is that it is more faithful to the platform-free standards of the web. Alas, not long ago the two came into conflict with one another.
It was found that by taking advantage of International Domain Names (IDN), which use non-ASCII characters in the URLs, a hacker could spoof a site, redirecting you to a pirate site without your knowledge. Obviously, if that is done with, say, a bank's website that could be a serious problem. IDN is not supported yet by IE, but is by the major alternatives, including Firefox. The hitch is that it is not supported safely, yet. Hence the security problem which affects non-IE browsers.
Netaloid alerted us to a fix posted a few days ago on tech.life which involves a minor hack of the Firefox profile. For ordinary users that might seem intimidating, and it also is not permanent since the installation of extensions to Firefox will undo the fix. The site provides a second fix which is easier and more permanent, and uses an extension which is one of the best reasons to get Firefox: Adblock.
Adblock allows you to block not just ads, but almost any annoying graphic that appears on websites. Is your fave site slowed down because you have to continually re-load large and very slow gif files every time? Just block them. Want to universally block ads from a particular server, no matter where you surf? Block them, too. And, if there are some you want to let through, you can be selective in your blocking. Lots more can be customized as well if you are hip to writing regular expressions, but most can be done simply by clicking a helpful Adblock button. (In this way, it has much in common to that late great tool of web customization, Proxomitron.) And as with everything Firefox, unlike IE it is in constant development, so feel free to suggest changes and report bugs.
Now, back to the IDN fix. Turns out that by using Adblock, a simple regular expression will block the exploit. This post on tech.life has the details. Nothing to download and install if you already have Adblock running, and it is not platform-dependent. Now, if only IE security fixes were that easy. And so rarely needed.